Grading and Re-Grading Can Protect Your Foundation
The most important thing to consider with regard to grading or re-grading your yard is foundation protection. An irrigation system that nourishes your lawn is wonderful. If it threatens your home, it’s a problem. A detailed assessment of the grade of your current landscape will provide you with the information you need regarding changing the grade of your lawn. Re-grading is critical if rainwater run-off or water from your yard’s irrigation system is impacting your foundation.
If You Can’t Make It Level, Make It Beautiful!
If you have a permanent irrigation system installed that doesn’t impact your foundation and is easy to winterize and maintain, re-grading will improve the level of your yard and the efficiency of your irrigation. An effective re-grade to level your lawn can provide you with a lawn that’s healthier and easier to mow. If re-grading for level doesn’t appeal to you, a landscape designer can offer many solutions and design ideas to correct issues such as standing water and run-off. For example, a low spot that collects water may be an ideal spot for a
Bioswale, or gently sloped drainage course designed to remove silt from run-off. You can make efficient use of water and beautify your yard. Bioswales are filled with water tolerant vegetation and often treated with irrigation fabric to reduce soil erosion. This efficient combination of landscaping features will make terrific use of any standing water in your yard.
A careful yard re-grading can provide you with the smooth, even stretch of yard you desire. Once re-graded and level, your yard will be able to make better use of water, fertilizer treatments, and rainfall. However, if a re-grading for level isn’t possible, a qualified landscape designer can offer you other options to make the best use of standing water and run-off in your yard.