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What Patio Maintenance Concerns Are Exclusive to Winter?

During the winter months in Ann Arbor MI, a home’s patio could be covered with ice and snow. This is a way for patio damage to develop . Winter is the time of year when the most problems with a patio can occur. The variations of temperature and moisture create very bad conditions. When a patio owner performs the right maintenance, it possible for most winter damage to be avoided or repaired before it gets bad.

Clean Patio
Prior to the arrival of winter, it’s important to give a patio a complete cleaning. Ground-in dirt and food stains can harm a patio’s appearance. It can also contribute to possible winter damage if left on the patio. If trees are located near a patio, their fallen leaves need to be removed along with any type of debris. The last step is to wash the patio with a hose and a high-powered nozzle. Use a bleach-free cleaning solution to make certain the surface is clear.

Clearing Snow and Ice
An important aspect of maintaining a patio during the winter is making certain it’s clear of ice and snow. This may not seem important, but doing it can save a patio from being damaged during the winter. Many patios are brick, stone or concrete. Snow and ice have the ability to crack boulders. It’s easy to understand what they can do to a patio. The damage is caused by a cycle of freezing and thawing. Expansion of ice will cause even the smallest cracks in a patio to grow. Removing snow from a patio during the winter can help avoid this problem.

Clearing Tools
When clearing off a patio in Ann Arbor MI, shovels with a metal edged blade should not be used. They could easily scrape or chip a patio. It is important to use a plastic snow shovel or a metal shovel with a rubber edge. Check with a professional about patio maintenance before using salt or any kind of chemical de-icer. It may not work well with certain patio compositions. Salt and chemical de-icers can damage concrete and many different kinds of stone. If it’s not possible to use these items, cat litter or sand can be put down to provide traction when walking on the patio.

In many cases, sealing a patio may not be necessary. Doing this does provide a layer of protection from the snow and ice during winter months. There are professionals who recommend sealing and others who do not. It’s important to speak with them first and find out their advice about patio maintenance. This is something that needs to be done in the fall. Sealing a patio could help prevent winter issues from developing.

Patio Checkup
After the ice and snow are removed from a patio, it will be easy to notice any changes in its condition. It’s important to check and make certain a patio is still level and does not have spots that are cracked or broken. Winter freezing and thawing will also impact the ground beneath and around a patio. It may cause the earth to shift. This is a slow and gradual process. When something small is detected in the winter, and immediately fixed, a lot of future problems can be avoided.

Get your yard looking its absolute best with custom landscaping solutions from Twin Oaks. Find us online at, visit us in Ann Arbor, MI at 4100 South Maple Road, or call us at (734) 213-6911.

Categories: Patio Maintenance