March 18, 2017

Perfect landscaping requires consideration of both hardscaping and softscaping elements. Hardscaping the use of man-made materials that are unlikely to change over time. Softscaping is the use of natural elements creating the right ambiance to the property. If you are thinking of changing your softscape elements, follow these tips.


The choice of the perfect trees allows you to create a relaxed atmosphere. With so many trees being claimed by Dutch Elm Disease, now may be a good time to plant some new trees. If you are thinking of planting trees, then make sure to choose ones based on the surrounding climate.

  • Trembling Aspen – Its beautiful yellow fall leaves perfectly compliment its gray bark. This tree thrives in most conditions growing very rapidly.
  • Linden Basswood- This tree usually has multiple trunks near the ground adding to its immense beauty. It finishes with a lovely full crown. Gorgeous flowers turn to fruit in the fall. This tree is particularly lovely because of its bright red buds in the early spring.
  • Northern White Cedar- This tree stays evergreen throughout most of the year. Its needles will turn brown, however, in the winter. Planting a row often reduces heating costs, because they serve as a great windbreak.


Choosing the right shrubs adds visual interest to the landscape. They can be used to divide areas in large yards into smaller areas that are often easy to hardscape. Plant a row of shrubs as a privacy fence. They also make a great backdrop to other plants. When you are choosing shrubs, consider these choices:

  • American Bladdernut- Those property owners with a dark corner will find that the paler colored leaves on this shrub help bring natural light to dark corners.
  • Blueberry- This beautiful shrub comes in two different varieties. The highbush has beautiful leaves that change colors throughout the different seasons. The low-sweet shrub makes an outstanding ground cover. Both produce berries that are edible.
  • Chokeberry- Property owners who are looking for a quickly spreading shrub need to consider the chokeberry. Red and green leaves emerge in the spring before turning bright green in the summer’s heat. As the cool days of fall arrive, they turn a beautiful golden yellow.


Many owners overlook the use of vines. They grow quickly making an interesting addition while owners are waiting for trees to mature. Vines can be trained to climb almost anything. Softscape maintenance is easy to perform on vines. It is easy to control their height and width with pruning. When considering vines, think about these choices.

  • Greenbrier- One of the most versatile vines to grow as it thrives in almost any soil conditions. This vine produces yellow leaves in the fall which may hang on until December giving drab winter landscaping a much needed boost.
  • Moonseed- This vine can be trained to climb, but it also makes a great ground cover. Property owners who have wet areas particularly love this vine that has blue-black berries and beautiful yellow leaves in the fall.


We would love to discuss the particulars of your softscape maintenance and landscaping needs with you. Please call us today in Ann Arbor Michigan.