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The Benefits of Organic Fertilizer for Michigan Homeowners

It is incredibly important to have a beautiful and well-kept lawn. After all, the lawn is the very first thing that people will see when visiting or simply passing by your Ann Arbor MI home. The problem with having a lawn is knowing how to care for it in a manner that isn’t going to harm the environment or the people who will be walking or using the lawn itself. This is why a lot of people living in Michigan have been switching to organic fertilizer to ensure that the product they are using is as safe as possible.

1. Organic Fertilizers are Better for the Environment

When you use typical fertilizing products, the sprays and chemicals can easily drift into the air and go onto a variety of other plants and trees in the area. You probably already know how harmful these chemicals are, so you do not want to be spraying them so that they are affecting all areas around your lawn. Switching to organic is simply better for the environment and for the trees, shrubs and greenery that happens to be around the perimeter of your house.

2. Going Organic is Better for Your Loved Ones

Organic fertilizer is healthier for those who might be using the lawn. If you have children, you know how easy it is for them to roll in the grass, play with the dirt and generally spend a good chunk of their day outside. If the lawn was recently sprayed with a variety of chemicals, these will be on your children as they continue to play. Likewise, the same can be said if you have a dog that tends to spend a lot of his time outside.

3. Organic Lawn Products Can Be Cost-Effective for Homeowners

Many people think that going with the harsh chemicals ingredients can come out to be cheaper than going organic. This is simply not true when you begin to research some of the best organic items available to your Michigan lawn. Organic lawn products can be just as much, if not cheaper, than anything that has chemicals laden inside of their bottles. This is why it simply makes sense to go with organic products and ditch the harsher ones.

4. Organic Fertilizing Products Work Just as Well

You might assume that only the harsher products will work more quickly and more efficiently. Organic fertilizing products work just as well as anything else that you might find and buy for the lawn. Some people even feel that organic items work better because of the fact that the lawn is not saturated in weird chemicals that can do more harm long-term.

Now that you are aware of the many benefits to going organic for your Ann Arbor MI home, it is time to become familiar with some of the products available to you. By switching to organic fertilizing products, you are doing something beneficial for your home, lawn and all who happen to live there with you.

Get your yard looking its absolute best with custom landscaping solutions from Twin Oaks. Find us online at, visit us in Ann Arbor, MI at 4100 South Maple Road, or call us at (734) 213-6911.