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Pruning – It’s a Timing Thing

Generally speaking, pruning objectives for young deciduous (trees that lose their leaves in the winter) include development of a disease-free symmetrical plant.  Pruning of trees correctly when they are young eliminates many problems encountered by owners of middle-aged and/or mature trees. Thus, when the pruning takes place, timing is critical in two respects: time of year and time in the plant’s life.

The following 8 rules help to achieve these goals:

  1. Start pruning when the plant is young
  2. Maintain a central branch leader
  3. Eliminate narrow V-crotches
  4. Remove dead and diseased branches
  5. Eliminate insect infected, rubbing, deformed branches
  6. Make cuts 3/8” above bud when pruning to a bud
  7. Make cuts to the branch collar, eliminating stubs
  8. Select well-spaced, broach angle scaffolding branches to remain.

Pruning can also be done by contacting the professionals at Twin Oaks Landscape.


Categories: Tree and Shrub Pruning