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Tips to Plan Your Spring Landscaping Project in the Winter

Landscaping projects seem overwhelming at first. However, if you have an idea of what to do, your projects will succeed. For example, consider your climate and local pests while planning your landscaping project. In the end, you’ll thank yourself for taking these steps to create your personal landscaped paradise.

Plan for Your Climate

You’ve dreamed of nurturing your lawn into a garden of neighborhood envy, but one miscalculation will undermine your plans. You haven’t taken your climate into consideration and much less that many of your favorite plants will wither in your region. Spare yourself the frustration by formulating your landscaping plans around your climate, including the shady and sunny areas of your yard and which plants will flourish in each.

Assess Your Lawn

Walk around your yard and look over your hard work from the previous spring and summer. This will give you a better idea of which plants to include in your spring landscaping project, what plants to forgo and what new additions you might consider. This is also the ideal time to determine which plants you need to divide and help your garden thrive.

Identify the Local Pests

When you think of pesky pests, you think of the countless insects that can threaten your yard. However, stray animals and wildlife do just as much damage if you don’t take steps to protect your lawn. Research local threats to your lawn to determine what you’ll need, including wire mesh and fencing. You may even include local plants known to deter pests in your spring landscaping project.

The image you hold as you plan your landscaping project is a lawn with full, vibrant plants. As such, you should think about how large they’ll be at that point. Don’t plan your plant locations based on their current size or you’ll find yourself dealing with a major replanting project in six months. Instead, plan for plant growth and design your landscaping project around the future.

Your Manicured Lawn

You’ve planned, designed and purchased all you need for your perfect lawn. That question that remains is did you prepare for lawn maintenance? Proper maintenance is not only a year-long task but also one that some plants require more than others. Research your chosen plants and determine how much care the require and what you’ll need. If time isn’t on your side, perhaps a low maintenance lawn is your best option while people with a passion for gardening may well prefer a high maintenance garden to keep them busy.

There are quite a few steps to take while planning your landscaping project for spring and you don’t want to miss a single one. For that reason, walk your yard and assess your plants, plan for growth and prepare for maintenance. Keeping these tips in mind will take you one more step closer to the lawn you always dreamed of owning.

Categories: Design SoftwareLandscape