August 7, 2024

The days may grow shorter, but summer’s grip on your lawn isn’t over yet. Late summer can be a stressful time for grass, with scorching temperatures, increased evaporation, and the potential for drought. However, following some key late summer lawn care tips helps your lawn thrive through the remaining hot days and transitions smoothly into fall. Not only will this set your lawn up for a healthy winter dormancy, but it will also make it more resilient and vibrant come spring.Two story brick house with large front yard with a lawnscaper mowing the grass.

The Importance of Late Summer Lawn Care

Many homeowners underestimate the importance of late summer lawn care. Some might think that they can give their lawn a break when cooler weather approaches. But the reality is late summer is an important time to invest in your lawn’s health. Here’s why:

  • Stress from Summer Heat: Summer’s unrelenting heat and sunshine can wreak havoc on your lawn. Increased evaporation rates lead to dehydration, while intense sunlight can scorch and weaken blades. Late summer care helps mitigate these stresses, ensuring your lawn retains moisture and stays resilient.
  • Weed Control: Late summer is a prime time for weed control. With less competition from the established grass, weed seeds readily germinate and take root. Taking action now prevents these unwanted invaders from establishing themselves and stealing valuable resources from your lawn.
  • Fall and Winter Preparation: A healthy lawn going into fall is better equipped to handle the challenges of winter dormancy. Proper late summer care strengthens your lawn’s root system, improves its tolerance to cold temperatures, and increases its overall health for a vibrant spring.

Benefits of a Healthy Lawn

Maintaining a healthy lawn goes beyond aesthetics. A thriving lawn offers a range of environmental and practical benefits:

  • Improved Air Quality: A healthy lawn is a natural filter that traps dust, pollen, and other airborne pollutants. Studies have shown that healthy lawns can significantly reduce air pollution in urban areas.
  • Reduced Soil Erosion: A dense and healthy lawn prevents soil erosion, especially during heavy rainfall. This protects your property and surrounding areas from runoff, which can damage landscaping.
  • Increased Property Value: A well-maintained lawn can increase property value and curb appeal. A healthy, green lawn creates a positive first impression and adds to your property’s overall beauty and marketable value.

Late Summer Lawn Care Checklist

Here are some essential late summer lawn care tips to help your grass thrive:

  • Watering: Watering remains essential in late summer. However, adjust your watering schedule to account for cooler mornings and evenings. Water deeply and less frequently, aiming for thorough root zone saturation. Early morning watering is ideal, allowing the grass to absorb moisture before the day’s heat increases evaporation. Consider using a sprinkler system with a timer to maintain consistent watering, especially during high heat and drought.
  • Mowing: Continue regularly throughout late summer but keep the mowing height slightly higher. Taller blades shade the soil, helping retain moisture and keeping it cooler.  A higher cutting height also promotes deeper root growth, enhancing your lawn’s overall health and resilience to stress. Remember to sharpen your mower blades regularly for clean cuts that minimize stress on the grass and promote healthy growth.
  • Fertilization: Late summer is a great time to consider applying a fall fertilizer. Look for a fertilizer formulated for your specific grass type and climate. Opt for a slow-release formula that will gradually release nutrients throughout the fall and winter, providing your lawn with the nourishment it needs to prepare for dormancy and spring re-growth. A soil test can help determine the specific nutrient needs of your lawn, ensuring you’re applying the right fertilizer in the right amount.
  • Weed Control: Don’t wait until fall to tackle weeds. Address them proactively in late summer while weeds grow and are vulnerable to herbicides. Choose a selective herbicide appropriate for your grass type and the specific weeds you target. Spot-treating weeds with a targeted herbicide is a more environmentally friendly approach than applying broad-spectrum weed killers across your entire lawn.

Taking Your Lawn Care a Step Further

While the tips above provide a solid foundation for late summer lawn care, there are additional steps you can take to enhance your lawn’s health and resilience even further:

  • Overseeding: Bare patches or thin areas in your lawn are prime targets for weeds. Overseeding with the appropriate grass type for your climate in late summer allows new grass seedlings to establish themselves before winter. This helps thicken your lawn and crowds out weeds naturally.
  • Leaf Removal: As fall approaches, leaves begin to fall from trees. While fallen leaves can add organic matter to your soil over time, allowing them to accumulate on your lawn can smother the grass and create ideal conditions for fungal diseases. Regularly rake or blow leaves off your lawn throughout fall and early winter.
  • Grub Control: Grubs are the larvae of beetles that feed on grass roots. They can cause significant damage to lawns, particularly in late summer and early fall. If you suspect a grub problem, consider applying an insecticide formulated for control.
  • Winter Protection: While lawns go dormant in winter, they’re still susceptible to damage from harsh weather conditions. Applying a winter fertilizer in late fall can help strengthen your lawn’s cell walls and improve its tolerance to cold temperatures. Additionally, removing any remaining debris from your yard before winter allows for better air circulation and helps prevent the development of fungal diseases under snow cover.

Professional Lawn Care Services: Your Time-Saving Solution

Maintaining a healthy lawn throughout the year, including late summer, can be time-consuming. It requires consistent effort, knowledge of proper techniques, and the right tools and equipment. For many homeowners, juggling these responsibilities with busy daily schedules can be challenging.

Twin Oaks Landscape: Your Partner in Lawn Care Success

We understand the importance of proper lawn care and its impact on your property’s value and enjoyment. Our residential all-inclusive landscape maintenance services take the guesswork out of caring for your lawn.

Our team is passionate about lawns and have acquired the professional knowledge to handle all aspects of late summer lawn care and beyond. We’ll create a customized plan for your needs by considering your grass type, soil conditions, and local climate.

Our Services Include:

  • Mowing and trimming: Our experienced landscapers will mow your lawn at the optimal height, ensuring a clean and healthy appearance while promoting root growth. We’ll also edge and trim your lawn for a polished look.
  • Fertilization and weed control: We’ll use professional-grade fertilizers and selective herbicides to nourish your lawn and eliminate weeds, ensuring a thick and vibrant green carpet.
  • Overseeding: We can help you select the right grass seed and overseed bare patches or thin areas in your lawn for a thicker, healthier turf.
  • Grub control: We can identify and address potential grub problems through targeted applications of insecticides.
  • Winterization: We’ll provide proper winterization services to protect your lawn from the upcoming harsh winter conditions.
  • Fall and spring clean-up: We’ll remove leaves, debris, and other materials from your lawn in the fall and spring to maintain proper air circulation and prevent disease.

Contact Twin Oaks Landscape Today

Investing in professional lawn care services from Twin Oaks Landscape is an investment in the health and beauty of your property. Our late summer lawn care services will ensure your lawn thrives through the remaining hot days and transitions smoothly into winter. We’ll also provide the ongoing care your lawn needs throughout the year for a lush, green oasis you can enjoy. 

Contact Twin Oaks Landscape today for a free consultation, and let us help you achieve a healthy, beautiful lawn you can be proud of. We look forward to working with you!