It is that time of the year again when the leaves are starting to turn color and fall of the trees, and many people are confused about what they should do with their lawns. Maintaining the upkeep of a lawn is a year round process that never stops, so here are some tips that will help you to take the best care of your yard possible during the fall and winter months.
Continue Mowing * Your grass may slow down in its total overall growth, but you can guarantee that the grass is still growing, so you need to continue to mow.
Get the Leaves Up Off the Ground * It is extremely important to get the leaves up off the ground once fall rolls around. A great deal of people think that since fall is here, they do not need to take care of their yards anymore and most people put off the daunting task of removing the leaves from the yard for a long period of time. Unfortunately, a lot of times people put things off for too long and moisture gets down into the leaves, causing a bad environment for the grass underneath.
Fertilize the ground * The fall is one of the best times of the year to fertilize the grass, so you should definitely get this done during this time period of the year. Aerating your grass will ensure that when the spring comes around, you will have vibrant green grass that will pop up out of the ground fully healthy.
Take Care of Weeds * This is the perfect time of year to handle the pesky weeds that have been growing in your yard, as they are rapidly starting to slow down. During the spring and summer months, weeds have the opportunity to suck up all the water that they can, but during this time of the year they are more vulnerable, meaning you have a much better chance of being able to kill them while they are down, rather than waiting until the next spring when they get new life again.
Hire a Landscaper * The best mowing and lawn care tip you can possibly have this fall is to call a landscaping company. Many people think that the worst time of the year is spring and summer, as this is when the grass is growing the most, but this really is not the case. There is a ton of work to be done in the fall, which truly sets things up for the next year, so you should definitely consider getting a landscaper.
*Do not simply go out and hire a landscaper that you run across and do not simply take advice from one of your neighbors and hire their landscaper. It is well worth it to make sure that whoever you are hiring has a legit, registered business, that they have all of the proper permits and licenses to be working on your property, carry full insurance, and also have a good reputation for doing stellar work in the community. Finding a company like this is easy enough. Do a search for Ann Arbor MI based businesses if you are located in Ann Arbor MI, or simply apply this to the city where you reside.
Get your yard looking its absolute best with custom landscaping solutions from Twin Oaks. Find us online at, visit us in Ann Arbor, MI at 4100 South Maple Road, or call us at (734) 213-6911.
Our experienced and talented team of landscapers can take care of even the biggest projects. Contact us today, and let’s start talking about your new landscape!
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