June 14, 2015
Soil erosion is a major concern in many areas with heavy seasonal rainfall—from urban to rural contexts. In Ann Arbor MI, both rainfall and snowmelt are of concern.View More
June 7, 2015
You just installed a beautiful patio. You are excited to use your patio throughout the summer. You are looking forward to grilling, visiting with friends, and justView More
June 3, 2015
Summer in Ann Arbor MI is the perfect time of year to take a look at your landscape and consider where you need tree and shrub pruning. Now, I know you may beView More
May 11, 2015
If you live in Ann Arbor MI and are looking for ways to increase your lawn's level of irrigation without using excess water, there are some simple things you can do.View More
May 9, 2015
With our plentiful rain here in Ann Arbor MI, there’s no reason not to have a beautiful, green lawn to enjoy year after year. Many homeowners are surprised toView More
May 2, 2015
In view of the harsh winter this year, most people will be experiencing a serious case of spring fever. We can’t wait to get back to warmer days filled with sun andView More
April 23, 2015
The snow has left for another year. The weather has turned, the birds are nesting, and soon the grass will begin to grow. Before that happens, you need to take careView More
April 16, 2015
A beautifully maintained lawn is an oasis for a business or homeowner, but it’s also prime real estate for beetles. Grub infestations can do serious damage toView More
April 13, 2015
If you live in Ann Arbor MI, then you're familiar with the sense of increasing anticipation as the end of winter draws near. It's its own special place, especially inView More
March 29, 2015
Scientific studies, as well as media reports, confirm that the honey bee populations are in decline and the cause of these troubles knows no boarders. The reports goView More
Our experienced and talented team of landscapers can take care of even the biggest projects. Contact us today, and let’s start talking about your new landscape!
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This resource is intended to educate you on common lawn issues.
Considering a hardscape? This guide covers all the ins and outs of brick pavers.
Use this guide to plan your next landscaping project with the utmost confidence.
Find the right landscape company to manage your neighborhood association.