October 9, 2014
For the greater Wastenaw area, annual flowers are holding strong and in full and bloom....and we say, let them. We realize you may be gettingView More
October 8, 2014
During the colder months of the year, snow accumulation is common, and it can be problematic for homeowners to deal with. While a light glazing of snow may not be aView More
October 3, 2014
Once the season ends in your garden, expect to find soil that is dried up, used up and empty of nutrients. Once the following season comes along, replace the soilView More
September 29, 2014
Properly caring for plants takes a lot of planning and hard work. One thing every gardener should certainly prepare for is the first frost of the season. Below areView More
September 24, 2014
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. “ ~Albert Camus Even with busy back to school activities, visits to the cider mills, Michigan footballView More
September 22, 2014
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has actually issued a quarantine for the invasive Balsam Wooley Adeligid (BWA) (an insect of the familyView More
September 21, 2014
Many homeowners want to improve the look of their yard to enhance curb appeal. A beautiful yard is a source of pride for homeowners, so it makes sense that you wantView More
September 19, 2014
Every year, before the first freeze, the ritual of irrigation "blow out" becomes the priority for all irrigation systems in regions located where the frost levelView More
September 14, 2014
Among the variety of measures you take to assure that your home is a safe place for you and your family and to decrease the risks of intruders entering your homeView More
September 8, 2014
Mulch with New Plantings Organic Mulch Mulch is the material that covers the soil in order to suppress weeds, keep the soil cool, retain moisture, and make theView More
Our experienced and talented team of landscapers can take care of even the biggest projects. Contact us today, and let’s start talking about your new landscape!
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This resource is intended to educate you on common lawn issues.
Considering a hardscape? This guide covers all the ins and outs of brick pavers.
Use this guide to plan your next landscaping project with the utmost confidence.
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