Project Spotlight-New Paver Patio Creates Functional Outdoor Living Space Post Thumbnail

Project Spotlight-New Paver Patio Creates Functional Outdoor Living Space

July 12, 2023

One of the best parts of purchasing a new home is updating that home to fit your vision. These customers had purchased their new property and were ready to update the
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The Benefits of Healthy Soil: How Good Soil & Certain Nutrients Can Improve Your Lawn and Garden Post Thumbnail

The Benefits of Healthy Soil: How Good Soil & Certain Nutrients Can Improve Your Lawn and Garden

July 6, 2023

No matter how much time you spend on your lawn and garden, if the soil isn’t healthy, your plants won’t be either. Good soil makes a real difference in the health
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Routine Landscape Maintenance Can Save You Time and Money Post Thumbnail

Routine Landscape Maintenance Can Save You Time and Money

June 29, 2023

Regularly caring for your landscape is essential to your property's curb appeal. The nicer it looks, the greater your curb appeal is, which can increase the value of
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Project Spotlight – Backyard Transformation Addressed Drainage Issues Post Thumbnail

Project Spotlight – Backyard Transformation Addressed Drainage Issues

June 21, 2023

One upgrade often leads to another. After these Old Town Ann Arbor homeowners finished their addition and renovation, they were ready to tackle the exterior of the
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Proper Pruning for Common Ann Arbor Michigan Plants and Flowers Post Thumbnail

Proper Pruning for Common Ann Arbor Michigan Plants and Flowers

June 14, 2023

A well-planned perennial garden can look beautiful when first planted, but if you fail to properly maintain your perennials with proper pruning, your garden may not
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Project Spotlight – Front Entry Walkway Upgrade Post Thumbnail

Project Spotlight – Front Entry Walkway Upgrade

May 24, 2023

Your entryway is a key part of your curb appeal and provides a solid first impression of your home to visitors. Your front walkway leading to your front door is the
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How to Care for Your New Plants Post Thumbnail

How to Care for Your New Plants

May 17, 2023

The care you give your landscaping in the first year, and particularly in the first few weeks, is what will determine their long term success. After your landscape
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The Power of Mulch: How Proper Mulching Benefits Your Landscape Post Thumbnail

The Power of Mulch: How Proper Mulching Benefits Your Landscape

April 29, 2023

Mulching is the process of covering the soil or plants with a material such as straw, grass clippings, leaves, bark, or compost. Mulching your landscape can provide a
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Common Annuals to Choose From Post Thumbnail

Common Annuals to Choose From

April 27, 2023

It may still feel like winter, but spring is just around the corner and it’s already time to start planning your flower beds. When you are thinking about your
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Knowing When to Plant and Prune In Ann Arbor, MI Post Thumbnail

Knowing When to Plant and Prune In Ann Arbor, MI

April 13, 2023

Gardening is a beloved pastime that is enjoyed by many. However, it is essential to understand how weather plays a crucial role in gardening. Weather conditions
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