During winters, the streets and sidewalks of Ann Arbor Michigan usually under-go snow clearance and maintenance to ensure the safety of motorist and the public at large. The process of snow removal is time consuming and requires lots of logistical planning. In order to clear the streets of light snow, de-icing agents are usually spread over the streets. When snow falls in Ann Arbor Michigan the process of plowing is usually performed by the salt-plow trucks. Small trucks are usually utilized to clear cul-de-sacs and dead end-roads in the residential and commercial areas. Some of the services carried by snow removal service companies targeted at commercial property and home owners are:
• Ice melting for residential drives and walk • Commercial and residential area plowing • General snow removal in the parking lots • Solid and liquid salt application on pathways
Ann Arbor City Snow Clearance and Management
The available statutes in the city of Ann Arbor Michigan empowers the city administrator to declare a snow emergency based on the concentration of snow, freezing rain, and sleet or on the basis of the area broadcast weather forecast. Usually, in places where street parking is allowed, restrictions may be applied to enhance mobility and avoid the probability of an accident occurring. Normally, if a car is parked on a snow emergency-street; it may be ticketed and towed out of the area.
Snow removal is usually prioritized starting with priority major streets followed by priority residential streets. The major streets in Ann Arbor Michigan are the arterial road-ways that provide essential network that require constant clearance and provide transportation connection to places such as street interconnections, fire stations, hospitals, rescue squad-units and police stations. Once the major streets are secured and clear, the emphasis then shifts to the local streets. The city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, maintains over 190 miles of residential streets.
Safety Tips for motorists, home and property owners during winter:
• Wear safety belts and make sure that the kids are well buckled-up • Be cautious when driving on slippery roads and bridges • Drive slowly in situations where visibility is low • Clear the vehicles windshield before driving • Remove pile-up snow from driveways and intersection to prevent obstruction • Provide room to salt trucks and plows to maneuver • Keep the areas around mail boxes clear for safe mail delivery • Park vehicles away from the streets • Dig-out fire hydrants if it is available in case of emergency • Avoid shoveling into the street when clearing side-walks, parking lots, or drive ways
In most cases, during snow removal; snow plows typically leave enormous lumps of snow at the end of the driveways after the clearance. The reason why lumps are created is so as to save time. Residents can complement in the exercise of snow clearance by assisting in the removal of snow lumps left at the end of the driveway using shovels. It is also crucial for the public to note that local radio stations and televisions are usually the best source of receiving weather-related information and alerts.
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