An Important Regular Service

Today, many households in Ann Arbor MI retain lawn mowing companies because of the significant benefits these firms provide. A well managed service transforms yards, permitting the home owner and neighbors to enjoy a beautiful park like environment without stress. Just consider five of the advantages a lawn mowing company offers:


Advantage Number One: Expert Yard Care Knowledge

Lawn mowing companies retain employees who possess expert knowledge about lawn maintenance. While many homeowners care deeply about this issue, they often lack a comprehensive knowledge base when considering specific aspects of tending grass throughout the course of a given year.

Businesses that dedicate time and resources to addressing this topic possess broad familiarity with best practices for tending yards and gardens. Their employees speak frequently with product suppliers and landscapers, and they know what to look for in terms of evaluating the condition of the lawn and potential problems, such as insect pests, adverse weather conditions and water drainage issues.

Advantage Number Two: Focused Regular Attention

Lawn mowing companies routinely care for lawns on a regular schedule. An owner may obtain the chance to perform lawn care during a weekend, but find very little time to devote to this task during a work week. If weather conditions promote unseasonable dryness or wetness, lawn mowing service technicians will usually note this situation and react in a timely manner to make certain that lawns do not suffer ill effects as a result of prevailing environmental conditions.

Advantage Number Three: Extensive Experience

Many lawn mowing professionals possess experience in applying soil amendments, conducting lawn aeration techniques and addressing weed eradication. Familiarity with these procedures, and knowledge about grass cutting and lawnmower operations, enable them to perform lawn care steps more efficiently and with greater expertise.

Advantage Number Four: Specialized Grass Care Equipment

In Ann Arbor MI, lawn mowing professionals typically invest more resources in purchasing and maintaining fleets of expensive specialized lawn care equipment, because they specialize as lawn caretakers. They do not need to delay the process of mowing due to an unexpected equipment breakdown.

For example, a lawn mowing company will simply use another mowing machine while malfunctioning equipment remains in the shop. Many property owners cannot obtain suitable replacement mowing equipment as readily.

Other advantages enjoyed by professional lawn care providers include:

  • Professionals use specialized high volume equipment for specific tasks;
  • They usually possess more durable commercial grade equipment;
  • Lawn mowing professionals utilize tools that allow them to complete mowing faster and with greater specificity.

Advantage Number Five: Objectivity

Finally, another advantage enjoyed by professional lawn mowing firms concerns the issue of objectivity. A lawn care service can evaluate your yard and its curb appeal with impartiality. If a problem exists, they will identify it rapidly and approach the situation without conflicted emotions.

For all these reasons, hiring a lawn mowing company often saves property owners delays and money. They can expend time enjoying the lawn- not cutting it!

Get your yard looking its absolute best with custom landscaping solutions from Twin Oaks. Find us online at, visit us in Ann Arbor, MI at 4100 South Maple Road, or call us at (734) 213-6911.